Transcript: Download Here
Narrator: Martha W. T. Walker
Interviewer: Morris (Dino) Robinson
Transcriptionist: Audio Transcription Center
Subject-LOC: African Americans — United States — Evanston — Illinois — History 1960-2000 — Housing — Music — Recreation — Segregation — Social Conditions 1964-1975, 1975- —Suburban African Americans — Civil Rights —
Subject-IDA: African Americans Local History Oral History Domestic/Community/Social Life Women
Description: Martha Walker, born 1915 was the youngest daughter of William H. Twiggs, a c1880 resident of Evanston and businessman. Topics cover include family and family life, influential people, community, segregation and race relations, the Emerson Branch YMCA. This recording was part of the “Through The Eyes of Us” series.
Coverage Geographic: 408101|Evanston|Populated Place|IL|17|Cook|031|420228N|0874124W|42.0411414|-87.6900587|||||187|614|
Coverage Temporal: 1920s - 1960s
Type: Sound
Collection Publisher: Shorefront Legacy Center
Rights Management: Shorefront and the Shorefront Legacy Center is providing access to these recorded and transcribed materials for noncommercial purposes such as education and research. Responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary permissions ultimately rests with persons desiring to use the item. All rights to recordings and transcripts belong to Shorefront and the Shorefront Legacy Center. Interviewees have each signed a release allowing use of the recordings as described above. Researchers or others who would like to make further use of these collection materials should contact Shorefront for assistance. Cited credit should read” “Shorefront Legacy Center oral history collection”.