1948 Foster Elementary School
Within Shorefront’s photographic collections, we have many class photos from Foster School in Evanston, Illinois. Unfortunately, the students photographed are unidentified.
Can you identify anyone?
Foster evolved into a de facto segregated school by the 1930s and remained that way until the 1967 “experimental” school was established. Occasionally, we receive class photos where the donors are only able to identify themself. Shorefront relies on the community to assist. This is an opportunity to help us identify students in the photo. If you can, please respond below with any helpful information.
Note: Photo from the Shorefront photographic collection, courtesy of Emma (Lowe) Harmon.
shorefront journal
Front row 4th from left is Emma Lowe
November 14, 2012Carl Davis
second row from top: #2 Morisey Seawright; #4 Ray Bryant; #6 Jerome Huff; #7 Ronald Pryor; #9 Fred West
third row: #5 Faith Little; #3 Nancy Pryor
November 29, 2012Joyce Mims
Emma Harmon Photo – Top row, 4th from left Dduck (sp?) Pryor??
March 22, 2013